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Live a Profound and Magical Life

You can create a life full of health, happiness and wellbeing through the practice of Ren Xue.

Ren Xue was founded by Yuan Tze in 2002. His teachings combine ancient wisdom with modern science in an exceptional form of qigong, based on 'The Science of Human Life'. Through Ren Xue you can improve your energy and physical health, resolve unhealthy ways of thinking and feeling, and open your heart and consciousness.  The practice includes moving qigong, healing and meditative practices.
I first discovered Ren Xue when I was suffering from severe chronic illness. Through Ren Xue, I regained my vitality and health, and learned a new way of being, to live in a relaxed and calm state, in harmony with others and the world.  Inspired by what Ren Xue can offer, I trained in all six levels of Ren Xue to become a qualified Ren Xue teacher. I now feel blessed to be able to guide others on the Ren Xue path of growth and wisdom.  


Fiona McLaughlin

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"The question is how can we appreciate and enjoy the beautiful lotus blossoms if we only focus on the mud that they grow out of? It is unfair to the flowers."



"A trusting heart can anchor you in the present and settle you in a relaxed and calm state. Doubt will not arise and take your strength and clarity away. You will be able to trust that which you find the most difficult to trust - yourself"



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"Can you see that the universe is naturally open and holding space for everything? Is there anything in the universe that it refuses to accommodate, hold space for? Our heart is connected with the heart of the universe, so we also have that capacity. We all know that having a big heart is a good thing. There is an ancient Chinese saying: When there is space to accommodate there is a big heart."



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"I am in awe of and forever grateful for Mother Nature's creations, and I cherish every one of them. Nothing would exist without her unconditional love and wisdom."



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"Gongjing is a state of being deeply respectful, humble and trusting, and a state of complete openness and purity. When you are in this state, you have disappeared and are no longer the centre of your reality. You are no longer judgemental of yourself or others, and you are able to love, connect and surrender from the deepest place inside."



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© 2022 Joy in Every Moment

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